There seem to be many versions of this apocalyptic YouTube presentation – the UK one seems better than others.
They originate with a 2006 piece called Did You Know 2.0...
...which includes this hoary old reference:
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
I’ve seen this reference to Einstein many times ..never quite grasped it: do we create problems by thinking? Or by not thinking? Seems over-rated as a revelation, to me. Anyhoo – another idea attributed to Einstein was used in a graduation address today, and I liked it better:
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
And the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours the servant
And has forgotten the gift."
These proselytising YouTube variations on a future/education theme kinda remind me of that Michael Wesch one that did the rounds a year or so ago – I still like it: A Vision of Students Today. Worth a re-view. Especially in times of sinking lids on budgets, and inducements to have larger classes.
The Machine is Us/ing Us is good too, of course, even if no longer fresh out of the wrapper.